
International Journal of the Pursuit of Excellence in Leadership (IJPEL) was established in 2020 and started its publication life. Published twice a year, the International Journal in Search of Excellence in Leadership accepts qualitative, quantitative or mixed-method scientific articles on leaders and leadership from all disciplines (such as science, informatics, arts, sports, social sciences, politics, health, philology, educational sciences and teacher training). It is a peer-reviewed, free and online journal that also publishes essays, reviews, book/article reviews/reviews and translation studies that contribute to the field of the relevant discipline. The aim of the journal is to present the original works produced by people who are in search of getting better in the field of leadership to the service of people by adhering to scientific and ethical principles.

The articles submitted to the journal must be organized according to the journal template; the similarity rate of the version excluding references and abstract must be 20% or less. Before the evaluation, the similarity rate obtained from a plagiarism detection program (Turnitin or iThenticate), copyright form, ethics committee permission, the first page of the article with ORCID and contact information, and the full text article to be sent to the referees without this information must be uploaded to the system. If the work is produced from a thesis or project, if it has been presented in any scientific activity before, if there is a person, institution or organization supporting it, it must be given as a footnote on the first page. The articles uploaded to the system with the necessary documents and information are evaluated by two blind referees; all responsibilities related to the articles belong to the authors. The journal does not accept any responsibility for ethical and scientific issues arising from the articles. The author(s) also acknowledge that the submitted article has not been published anywhere else. Manuscripts in Turkish and English can be submitted to the journal.

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