International Journal of the Pursuit of Excellence in Leadership (IJPEL) was established in 2020 and started its publication life. Published twice a year, the International Journal in Search of Excellence in Leadership accepts qualitative, quantitative or mixed-method scientific articles on leaders and leadership from all disciplines (such as science, informatics, arts, sports, social sciences, politics, health, philology, educational sciences and teacher training). It is a peer-reviewed, free and online journal that also publishes essays, reviews, book/article reviews/reviews and translation studies that contribute to the field of the relevant discipline. The aim of the journal is to present the original works produced by people who are in search of getting better in the field of leadership to the service of people by adhering to scientific and ethical principles.
Submit a Manuscript Last IssueLifelong Learning Competencies: A Study on Refugee and Migrant Students and Their Parents
Bertan AKYOL, Yasemin YEŞİLBAŞ ÖZENÇ, Sinem KALENDER pp. 56-70 Volume 4, Issue 1 |
Toplumsal Yapının Ortaokul ve Lise Öğrencilerinin Umursamazlık Davranışları Üzerindeki Etkisi: Öğretmen Görüşlerine Yönelik Bir İnceleme
Özgür ERAKKUŞ pp. 41-55 Volume 4, Issue 1 |
Exploring the Use of “AI” in Enhancing Speaking Skills in EFL Learners
Mehmet BİRGÜN, Yusuf POLAT pp. 33-40 Volume 4, Issue 1 |
Yapılandırmacı Programa Göre İyi Bir Ders Nasıl İşlenmeli?
İlhami SARIÇAM pp. 19-32 Volume 4, Issue 1 |
Öğretmenlerin Mesleki Gelişimi ve Alternatif Bir Model Önerisi: Ders İmecesi
Ogün BİLGE, Adem BEYHAN pp. 2-18 Volume 4, Issue 1 |